Junior Counselors
The Junior Counselor Program is a great way to have a camp experience without committing your entire summer. This program offers a flexible schedule and is designed to give a person the opportunity to work at camp for 2-5 weeks in the summer right after graduating from highschool. This is a great transitional step from “camp participant” to “camp staff”.
Please read this page in full and reach out with any questions you may have. Use the links below to navigate the page and the "Apply Now" to apply!

Why be a Junior Counselor?
Junior Counselor are given consistent and focused guidance during their time at camp. They have a coordinator who's focus is helping them grow into full-time counselors. Being a JC is a incredible opportunity to share your potential and show your abilities without the pressure of committing to a full-summer in a busy time.
This position offers recent highschool graduates the opportunity to ease their way into a full-summer position with this transitional step. We know that the summer between highschool and college is a busy one for most! With graduation, spending time with loved ones, and preparing for college, it's hard to fit in a full summer working at camp. We wanted to provide an opportunity for those in this year between highschool and college the ability to gradually work towards a full summer position with us.
Position Description
Junior Counselors will have specific in cabin and around camp requirements. We are aiming to give them in-cabin experience while also helping them understand the bigger picture of the camp operations.
Cabin Assignment
JC's will be assigned to a junior age cabin for the entirety of their stay. This cabin will expect them to be a counselor who assists with the care, safety, and happiness of the campers in their cabin. Junior Counselors will have their expectations for cabin life outlined in their manual and it will cover their role in the cabin and related assigned tasks.
Camp Activities
Junior Counselors will be able to lead class activities based on their interests and proof of knowledge of the materials. Because not all JC’s will have attended Staff Training, they will not be sole instructors for a week-long course.
Special Assignments
All Junior Counselors will be assigned to help alongside other staff around camp. This may include the camp store, kitchen, photography team and office. Working in these areas will give a better understanding of the positions that are critical to the daily needs of camp and campers.
Basic Qualifications
We are seeking to hire individuals described as enthusiastic, outgoing, positive, creative, bright, friendly, and caring. You should have good communication skills being able to effectively communicate ideas, thoughts, opinions, and instructions in a constructive manner; Be self-motivated having the ability to work on tasks and reach assigned goals; Be willing to learn new concepts and skills; Have the ability to work in a team being able to both give and take direction from others; And have a passion for science and animals and childhoood development. It takes a village to operate a summer camp. Introverts, Extroverts, Thinkers, Feelers, Early Risers, Night Owls - we appreciate all different qualities in all different people. But there is one thing everyone who is working for us this summer should understand: Camp Is For the Campers.
You must be 18 years of age with a High School Diploma, or the equivalent. 17 years of age upon hiring is allowed but requires parental permission.
Our Junior Counselors should not yet have attended college.
You must be able to pass a background check.
Job Specs
- Length: Two Weeks Minimum to Five Weeks Maximum
- Required Training: Online Training; Virtual Meetups with Cub Creek Team
- Optional Training: In-person Staff Training
- Compensation: $250 pay week and $10 Camp store credit per week
- Position: Jr. Cabin Counselor + Assist in Specialized Area + Camp Support
- Availability: 12 Positions per Week ; 6 Males and 6 Females
Jr Counselors will be trained for full understanding of their job requirements, camp’s policies and conduct expectations with :
A. Cub Creek will be hosting Virtual Staff Training talks and meetings. These will be designed to answer questions and cover specific topics prior to camp. You are required to attend or watch the video recordings.
B. Cub Creek Staff Training is held from May 18 to May 30. This is not required training time for Junior Counselors. However, if available, we would prefer they attend to even more deeply understand the expectations of a camp counselor and meet the other members of the summer staff team. Staff Training is the time when we talk about policies and the in-and-outs of being a camp counselor. Attending these days can dramatically help your preparation. Again, if available we highly recommend it!
C. JC's will arrive on the Saturday directly before the start of their work weeks. They will have their own Orientation to get prepared for their weeks at camp.
Compensation of $250 a week will be paid to Jr Counselors according to our camp staff payment schedule that occurs in the first week of July (end of Camp week 5) and the end of the summer season (end of Week 10). They will also have a $10 credit, per week, in the camp store. Payment is based on completion of the contracted amount of time and will be adjusted if employment needs to be terminated or if the employee chooses to leave the position before the contracted end date.
Length of Employment
Junior Counselors have the option to stay anywhere between 2 to 5 weeks with us in this position. Applicants will let us know their desired employment length and weeks of camp. The positions are first come , first serve and availability will be dependent on the number of applicants. Upon interview, we will confirm dates and length of employment. Once hired, you will be sent a contract outlining your specific dates of hire for the summer. In the event that you need to change your arrival/departure date, you must communicate that change in writing (email) or by the phone on or prior to April 1.
The Junior Counselor Program is available to former ASITs and campers under the following one condition: Former campers who have aged out of the camper program in the previous summer. They should be graduating high school in the same summer that they are looking to be a Junior Counselor at Cub Creek. This Program is not available to former campers who have attended college. Applicants who have attended college must commit to our Summer Counselor (full or partial summer positions available).
Campers or ASITs may not be Junior Counselors in the same summer that they last attended camp as a participant.
In order to apply, all participants of the program must understand and meet the expectations of Cub Creek Science Camp. During the application process, you will be asked to read and agree to camp’s staff code of conduct.