Summer Jobs at Cub Creek Science Camp
If you’ve never worked at summer camp before - first of all - YOU’RE MISSING OUT! But really, a summer job at camp is quite possibly one of the most rewarding and enriching ways to spend your summer. Cub Creek is unlike any other summer camp out there: we are able to offer a camp experience that combines a love for animals, adventure, science, and kids all in one amazing summer. Everyone should work at a summer camp once in their lives, even if they don't get to experience a summer camp like Cub Creek Science Camp.
Why Spend A Summer Working At Camp?
The value and impact that summer camp leaves on the lives of our campers is hard to explain. But trust us: You will for 10-weeks be influential in the life of child and for no other reason than you being you. You will help campers conquer their fears, chase their dreams, build friendships and discover the wonders to the natural world. For years to come you will be 'that summer camp counselor' who sang happy birthday at the top of their lungs, or helped them hit the bulls-eye in archery. Simple acts of kindness and encouraging words will stay with them, helping build their confidence and self esteem.
Summer Camp is hard work, but at the end of the day, you're being paid to hang out with kids! You’re camping out, making friendship bracelets, spending time with animals, having lip sync battles, dressing up as a dinosaur, dancing, laughing, and singing songs all summer long. C’mon. Where else can you do that?! Your first priority is your job, but the people you are doing this job alongside will become some of your closest friends. The memories from “the night you guys stayed up until (insert hour here) AM decorating the cabin for (insert camper's name here)'s 13th birthday" may just be the start of a speech at your camp friend’s wedding.
So why not? Why not gain experience and skill in your areas of interest, and also have an incredible, memoriable, and unique summer at the same time?

What do YOU get out of Camp?
The skills gained over a summer at camp will be incredible resume’ builders. Employers are looking for communicators, problem solvers, and those who are able to work well with others. Those core 21st century skills, and many more, are ones that we build right here at camp. Teaching a camper how to make a friendship bracelet sharpens your ability to give clear directions and roasting marshmallows with 16 kids with only 4 skewers certainly creates great problem solving skills. And those wanting a future with animals, children, science, and recreation, your time at summer camp with us will boost your experience!
Aside from the skills, you get some awesome benefits from working at camp with us. All of our summer staff are paid employees. We also provide housing, meals, and a $100 credit in our camp store.
Who We Are Looking For
We are seeking to hire individuals described as enthusiastic, positive, creative, friendly, and caring. You should be able to effectively communicate ideas, opinions, and instructions in a constructive manner; Be self-motivated to work on tasks and reach assigned goals; Be willing to learn new concepts and skills; Give and take direction from others; And have a passion for science, animals and childhoood development.
You must be 18 years of age with a High School Diploma, or the equivalent.
You must be able to pass a background check.
It takes a village to operate a summer camp. Introverts, Extroverts, Thinkers, Feelers, Early Risers, Night Owls - we appreciate all different qualities in all different people. But there is one thing everyone who is working for us this summer should understand: Camp Is For the Campers.
Our summer camp staff should:
- Be selfless and care about others’ needs. We and parents are trusting that campers’ health, safety, and happiness is a priority while they are here at camp.
- Show enthusiasm. Spoiler alert: you will be singing camp songs. Camp is fun and we expect that to be shown by our camp staff.
- Adhere and uphold camp’s code of conduct and rules. This seems obvious...but working at camp is a job. We expect our staff to take this responsibility seriously and that includes adhering to policies that we have put in place to keep you and our campers safe; respecting the facility and your co-workers; and being a role model to campers.
- Walk/travel several miles each day. Looking for a reason to get in more steps? This is the place! We expect staff to be able to handle the activity that camp requires. While you won’t be extreme hiking every day, you will be walking several miles a day around camp doing day-to-day things.
- Enjoy and handle “being outside”. You will be both in and outdoors while at camp, but many of the activities of camp are outside. You should be able to work with sun exposure, temperature fluctuations, bugs, campfires, etc.
- Love and appreciate animals of all kinds. You’re looking to work at an ANIMAL CAMP! While we do not expect staff to be comfortable with handling all of camp’s animals , we expect staff to show interest and appreciation with all animal species. Animals are a huge part of our program, all team members should know that even if they aren't working with animals.

Internships are often a requirement for a student to graduate from college. We are happy to work with our camp staff to aid them in meeting an internship requirement if possible. We offer a great deal of variety for majors in science, education, parks and recreation, business administration and more. To read more about making a summer with us an internship, click here .
Cabin Counselor
Activity Instructor
Office Assistant
Animal Speciliast
Special Events Coordinator
Lead Instructor
Camper Advocate
Cabin Advocate
Camp Store Assistant
Kitchen / Support Staff
Ropes Course Instructor
Communications Specialist
Field Naturalist
Resume & Work Experience
People who have never worked at camp may not understand the 21st century skills acquired at camp. They struggle to see the tremendous impact and learning opportunity that a camp job provides. But in truth, some CEOs of large companies state that when they see “summer camp” on an applicant's resume’ they rise to the top of the applicant group! We want for all our employees to both have an amazing experience and be able to walk away from camp with practical skills as well.
Beneath all the fun that we have at camp, our staff work hard to keep camp running. From counselors to camp management, each person at camp is critical to the opertation of a smooth and safe summer. At camp, you have to show up on-time, fill out required paperwork, manage your time off, communicate information to your co-workers, and be responsible for your own tasks- just like any other job.
Our cabin staff are Camp Counselors. However at Cub Creek, we help our summer staff better articulate their job and the specific skills gained from their time at camp. For some, Camp Counselor says it all! But for others, Chemistry or Ceramics Instructor, Teen Counselor, Outdoor Educator, or Ropes Course Facilitator is a better description of the job skills they wish to highlight.
Here are some ideas of what you could use to further describe your summer with us:
- Camp Counselor
- Teen Counselor
- Elementary Education
- Child Care Specialist
- Leadership Development
Working with Children
- Outdoor Educator
- STEM Instructor
- Pottery Instructor
- Photography Instructor
- Riflery/Archery Coach
- Ropes Course Facilitator
- Animal Care Instructor
- Animal Care Specialist
- Veterinarian Medicine Instructor
- Animal Science Instructor
- Wildlife Biologist
- Herpetologist
Working With Animals
- Photographer
- Videographer
- Ceramicist
- Field Biologist
- Survivor Skills Specialist
- Limnologist
Various Job Titles
Skill Building
Studies show a strong connection between four key 21st century skills and an individual’s success in the workforce. These four “Most Important Skills” are: Professionalism, Teamwork, Oral Communication, and Ethical/Social Responsibility. All of these are taught, learned, and practiced at summer camp.
Simply put, camp counselors really have an incredible edge in the professional world.