Camper Support Staff

Read more below about the positions at camp that help support your camper while they're here. These include our in cabin, out of cabin, and year round staff!

Cabin Counselor

Our cabin counselors are with your campers as they get ready in the morning, eat meals, get ready for bed, and may even be an instructor in their courses and classes. Our counselors are our first line of defence to help your campers have a wonderful time at camp. Our counselors plan special activities such as sneak outs and birthday celebrations to give campers a unique time.

Camper Advocate

Camper Advocates oversees the camp experience for all campers at Cub Creek, responsible for enhancing their experience and supporting cabin staff in creating a positive cabin environment. The Camper Advocate is also a line of communication between campers and the camp office and parents. Camper advocates check on all first time, homesick, and campers with additional concerns.

Communications Specialist

Our communications specialists works with program directors and summer staff to help make sure that communications between camper and parent are running smoothly. Haven't heard from your camper yet this week? Reach out and we'll have our communications specialist go have your camper write a letter and send it off to you. They're responsible for sending letters out to parents and delivering letters to the campers.

Scheduler & Special Events

Our Scheduler and Special Events are responsible for scheduling all the activities your camper will do in a day. Our scheduler assigns campers to activities, helps get them switched, and makes sure that any classes a camper wants to take are available. Our Special Events Coordinator schedules and sets up evening activity, early birds, night owls, and sneak outs for the cabin. Our Scheduler and Special Events Coordinator help make sure that campers have a magical time in all their activities at camp.

Cabin Advocate

Our Cabin Advocates are responsible for the support of cabin operations to ensure that campers have a positive camp experience and staff are equipped to complete their daily tasks. Cabin advocates will keep cabins stocked with supplies, organize cabin activities, and help staff and campers locate needed items around camp. They also conduct daily cabin inspections and make sure cabins are kept clean throughout the week.

Program Directors

Our program directors are available at all times to help our counselors, advocates, and other out of cabin staff provide a fun and safe experience for the campers. Program directors are available for campers if they have any concerns. Camp Directors also work with campers with behaviors that extend the scope of what counselors can handle and with campers with severe homesickness.