Policies, Paperwork, and Payments

Here you will find information on camp paperwork and payments and the policies regarding them. Use the links below to navigate the sections of this page:

Paperwork And Payments - Excited camper during evening activity - Cub Creek Science and Animal Camp

Camp Paperwork at Campwise

At Cub Creek Science Camp, our paperwork includes information about your camper including their history and medical information, information regarding how you intend for them to arrive to camp (driving or flying), and even includes unique questionaires that help us to get your camper before they arrive at camp. Paperwork at camp is completely digital! Our camp registration and camper profile database is Campwise. Every parent has a unique parent dashboard which gives them access to their camper's camp registration information and records. Campers are required to have a complete camper profile and medical history on file prior to attendance. Unless you are a late registration, all paperwork must be complete by April 1st. Families who register late (after March 5) are given up to 30 days to complete paperwork. As always, you are welcome to call or email us with any issues you may experience with your parent dashboard.

Paperwork includes information regarding Medications and Transportation (Flights to Camp). Both of these topics require more information and both have policies/procedures associated with them. Please keep reading to know more.

Preparing Medications for Camp

All medications that your child should take while at camp, must be packaged into single dose medication packs. At Cub Creek medications that are taken on a scheduled basis to maintain or improve health, including vitamins, supplements and over-the-counter must be packaged.

In order to ensure your camper receives the correct medication at the correct times, we are asking you to pre-package all your camper's medications according to the guidelines outlined below. The easiest way to do this, is to go through one of the pharmacies that provide free medication packet services. Some of these pharmacies include CVS, Sinks and Amazon. But, if you prefer, you are welcome to package their own medications into individual medication packs or small envelopes.

Here are some helpful links

For packing medications on your own, you can purchase packets for medication via the following links on Amazon:
Option 1 or,
Option 2

For medication packaging services, check these out:
CVS Pharmacy

Instructions for preparing medication(s) for camp

Labeling Medication Packets

All medication packets must be labeled* with the following information:
1. Child’s name
2. Date, day and time for distribution
3. Medication names
4. Dosages

*Some parents find it helpful to create and print labels in place of hand writing each medication packet. We will accept printed or written.

Medications should be packaged according to the day/date and time they are given. Multiple medications may go in one pack if they are all given at the same time. Different times and days must be separated into their own packets. We have four medication times: Breakfast at 8:15 am, Lunch at 1:15 pm, Dinner at 5:30 pm and Bedtime at 8:30 pm. No deviations are permitted without prior approval. Packets should be labeled with "Breakfast", "Lunch", "Dinner", or "Bed" to signify what time they are given.

We also request you send one packet marked EXTRA with two extra doses of each medication.

Special Packing

Liquid medication, inhalers, or nasal sprays must also be listed on the medication pack that corresponds with the time that the medication should be administered. They should be sent to camp in a zip-lock bag with the camper's name marked on the bag and on each medication.

Additional Notes

No medications may be kept in the cabins except eye drops, ear drops, topical creams, and/or emergency medicines (requires Nurse approval). Any camper with a rescue inhaler or Epi-pen should bring a spare inhaler/injector to camp.

Medication packets should be completed and brought to camp with your child. Medications are brought to the Nurse's station during Check-In, so make sure to remove medication from your camper's luggage and bring it with you along the check-in process. At the end of your camper's session, all leftover medications will be returned and will be put in your camper’s front or side pocket of their suitcase or bag.

The Medication and Health form that you completed along with your camper’s profile in CampWise, should list all medications your child will be taking during his or her stay at camp, and should be signed by the camper’s physician. Our nurse can NOT dispense medications without a physician’s signature. If you have any questions or need assistance in this process please call our office at 573-458-2125.

Cub Creek Science Camp offers chaperoned transportation service to and from the St. Louis International Airport. We ask that paperwork regarding airport information be submitted to our office by April 1st along with all other paperwork.


Our standard transportation fees to camp from the main terminal of the St. Louis International Airport starts at $85. Transportation fees are based on time of arrival and departure. Transportation Fees are non-transferable and non-refundable. The fee for transportation outside of the above times or on days other than the first day of the session is $315. All flight information should be submitted to our office by April 1st.


The following outlines Cub Creek Inc.'s policies as it pertains to all payments made towards a camper's tuition and our policies regarding cancellations and refunds.

Payment Deadlines

Camp fee balances are due on or before April 1st for everyone who registers before March 15th. For registrations after March 15th the balance is due within 15 days of your registration and at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the camp session.

Our goal is to work with every family to make camp possible for their child. If an extension is needed, please make your request at least two weeks in advance of April 1st or at the time of registration for registrations After March 15. To avoid cancellation or late fees, let us know if you are not able to make your payment on time, so that we can work out an interest free payment plan.


A $100 per week non-refundable, non-transferable deposit is required to secure a week at Cub Creek Science Camp. This deposit is applied to the total camp tuition. For ASITs (our teen leadership program), a non-refundable, non-transferable deposits are $250 per week is required and applied to the total camp tuition.

Should a camper switch session dates with at least two weeks notice (two weeks from the start of the session), deposits will apply to a new session. If a camper session is switched less than 2 weeks prior to the start date, a $50 charge is applied and deposits are non-transferable to the new session. Deposits apply only to the camper for which they are made and may not be transferred or added to another camper's tuition. Deposits can not be transferred or refunded should a camper reduce the number of weeks attending.

Late Fees

If payment is not received on time (and an extension has not been confirmed with an email), a $50 late fee will be applied to each week of camp. If full payment has not been received by May 1st or 30 days after the original due date, your deposit will be forfeited and your registration will be cancelled.

Cancellations and Refunds

Cancellations of a Camper's Registration may be done at any time, but refunds for a cancelled session depend on the following:

On or before April 1st: If registration is canceled prior to April 1st, total payment will be returned, minus the non-refundable deposit. If payment was made by credit card, a 3% credit card processing fee will apply to the refunded amount.

After April 1st, before May 1st: If cancellation occurs on or before May 1st, half the total payment will be returned, minus the non-refundable deposit. If payment was made by credit card, a 3% credit card processing fee will apply to the refunded amount.

After May 1st: No refund is offered if cancellation occurs after May 1st.
Credit for 30 days notice: If you have paid in full, and cancel your child's registration at least 30 days prior to your child's camp session, we will provide a credit toward next summers tuition equal to 50% of the paid tuition (less the deposit)
Credit for 16 days notice: If you have paid in full, and cancel your child's registration at least 16 days prior to your child's camp session, we will provide a credit toward next summers tuition equal to $25% of the paid tuition (less the deposit)

If your cancellation is done in anyway other than through an email, then an email confirmation including your cancellation date and credit amount must be received from our office, in order for this offer to be valid. So please check your email after any cancellation notice to ensure our receipt/ confirmation of your notice. This offer is not valid for campers who switch their sessions to a later date and then cancel.

*Tuition Insurance: Tuition Insurance may be able to provide refunds of your tuition, when camp does not. See below for details.

Camp Store Money

Money that you deposit into campers camp store account that they do not spend by the end of their session may be used in the following ways:

1. Parents and/or campers may spend it on the pick up day (the last day of the session).
2. Applied to a future session's tuition, deposit or camp store account, or
3. Donated to the Camp Tuition Fund.

If you cancel your childs camp session, and had deposited money in their camp store account, a refund may be requested. Note: Please don’t deposit more money into your campers camp store account then you wish for them to use during their session. Our recommended amount has always been $50 per session. However, parents can easily add more money, if needed, by calling our office.

Camp Insurance

Camp Tuition Insurance is recommended to help protect your investment in your child’s tuition cost. While Cub Creek does not offer refunds for cancellations after May 1st, in many instances your camp tuition insurance would be able to provide a full refund of tuition cost. Click Here to learn more and purchase camp insurance.

In regards to settling disputes: Any litigation regarding Cub Creek Inc must be filed in Phelps County, Missouri.

Switching Sessions

Sessions can be switched at any time for any reason as long as space/availability allows. Depending on the time at which the switch needs to be made:

* With 16 days notice from the start of the session: Deposits and all tuition will be moved to a new session.
* With less than 16 days notice: A $50 charge is applied and deposits are non-transferable to the new session.
* After April 1st: Tuition must be paid in full in order to move campers between sessions.

Cabin Assignments and Friend Requests

Friend Requests

Some campers attend camp with a friend OR maybe your child made a friend in a previous summer and wants to be in a cabin with them again! In this case, you can make a “Cabin Request” within Campwise. To help us match campers, please input the full name of the camper that your child would like to share a cabin with and try not to only use nicknames. If the campers is within 2 years of age, is the same biological sex and has also requested your child, we will put the campers into the same cabin. To read more about cabin requests and how we assign cabins, click here. Cabin Requests are not required! Your campers is sure to make friends on their first day of camp, so don't worry if they aren't coming with a friend.

Cabin Assignments

Campers are assigned to cabins based on their biological sex, age and cabin requests. We have a male and female village, each made up of 6-9 cabins. Typically the youngest campers are housed in the first cabin and the oldest campers being in the last cabin.

Camper Code of Conduct

Cub Creek Science Camp is dedicated to providing an amazing summer camp experience. Our goal is to create an environment where kids can be kids and forget about the worries and stress of the outside world. To help make this possible, campers are expected to behave, speak and dress according to camp policies which were designed to promote a safe, fun and healthy environment. We ask that parents/guardians read this code of conduct and share it with their camper prior to their arrival.

Campers will:
*Show respect to all staff by listening to and following their instructions.
*Use kind and uplifting words and will avoid gossip, foul language, put downs and verbal threats of any kind.
*Control their behaviors and not push, kick, hit, fight, inappropriately touch, give unwelcome teasing or exhibit other unkind behaviors.
*Contribute to the positive experience of camp for themselves and others through a positive attitude and participation in camp activities.
*Dress according to camp policy (no open toes shoes, short shorts, tank tops or spaghetti straps or showing of the midriff).
*Show respect for camp property by never defacing or destroying camp property or using equipment or supplies without prior permission.
*Keep their personal information private and not discuss information, such as mental health history, sexual orientation, gender identity, or personal romance / relationships with fellow campers while at camp.
*Follow our personal pronoun policy while on camp property and not ask others to break the policy. (Campers are housed in cabins according to their age and biological sex. Personal pronouns are used according to a camper's cabin assignment.)
*Inform a staff member if they are experiencing any problems. (We want campers to take any problem that is not resolved after first speaking with a staff member directly to the office. This can be done between any activity period, during any meal time or during free time.) They understand if a staff member is not informed about a problem, the problem may not be fixed.

It is expected that every camper follows the Camper Code of Conduct while at camp. Failure to do so can, at the camps discretion result in immediate dismissal from camp, without refund.

Pronoun Policy

Because personal pronouns are used to describe both biological sex and gender, we felt it was important to define how personal pronouns will be used at camp.

At Cub Creek Science Camp, we use personal pronouns to identify a person's biological sex, rather than his/her gender identity. If a camper has a gender that doesn’t match his/her biological sex, we will try to use his/her name or a gender neutral noun when addressing his/her group. We ask that all staff and campers follow this policy, and do not ask others to use pronouns that don’t agree with this policy, while on camp property.

Dress Code

At Cub Creek, one of our goals is the health and safety of our campers and staff. Our dress code was created with that goal in mind. We do our best to consistently enforce these standards and apologize in advance if there are any inconsistencies in addressing them for one student and not another. We rely on you and your camper to maintain these standards for their own health and safety while at camp.

  1. All clothing should be comfortable and appropriate for the activity your camper is participating in.
    • To avoid sunburns and because our animals love to climb, tops must cover the shoulders and midriff. No tank tops, sleeveless t-shirts, spaghetti straps, or crop tops. Please do not pack these items for everyday wear, however tank tops are great for pajamas and cabin wear.
    • Shirts may not express any vulgar statements, curse words, politically charged statements, or sexual innuendos.
    • Bottoms should be appropriate for the activity (e.g. longer shorts for the ropes course and pants for caving). Any shorts worn should not be shorter than mid-thigh.
    • Closed toe shoes must be worn at all times, except at the pool and in the cabin.

  2. To minimize sunburns, swimwear must also cover the torso, back, and buttocks. Shirts worn at the pool should not become transparent when wet.
    • Females should wear a one piece or a two piece with a shirt covering the top.
    • Males should wear swim trunks and a shirt.
    • Flip-flops, sandals, open toed shoes may be worn at the pool, but close-toed shoes (Crocs, etc.) must be worn to and from the pool.
    • Our animals love shiny things, so dangly jewelry (bracelets, earrings, etc.) should not be worn for the safety of both your camper and our animals.

Legal Disputes Any litigation regarding Cub Creek Inc or it programs must be filed in Phelps County, Missouri.