Medication at Camp

Campwise Paperwork for Medication

In order for our nurse to administer medication to your camper while at camp we need certain paperwork filled out. This includes

- Camper Medical Profile form

- Signed Medication form by your campers doctor

- Medications add to portal in Campwise
Read below on how to upload medication information into Campwise and quick access to the Medication form for the doctor.

Preparing Medications for Camp

All medications that your child should take while at camp, must be packaged into single dose medication packs. At Cub Creek medications that are taken on a scheduled basis to maintain or improve health, including vitamins, supplements and over-the-counter must be packaged.

In order to ensure your camper receives the correct medication at the correct times, we are asking you to pre-package all your camper's medications according to the guidelines outlined below. The easiest way to do this, is to go through one of the pharmacies that provide free medication packet services. Some of these pharmacies include CVS, Sinks and Amazon. But, if you prefer, you are welcome to package their own medications into individual medication packs or small envelopes.

Here are some helpful links

For packing medications on your own, you can purchase packets for medication via the following links on Amazon:
Option 1 or,
Option 2

For medication packaging services, check these out:
CVS Pharmacy

Instructions for preparing medication(s) for camp

Labeling Medication Packets

All medication packets must be labeled* with the following information:
1. Child’s name
2. Date, day and time for distribution
3. Medication names
4. Dosages

*Some parents find it helpful to create and print labels in place of hand writing each medication packet. We will accept printed or written.

Medications should be packaged according to the day/date and time they are given. Multiple medications may go in one pack if they are all given at the same time. Different times and days must be separated into their own packets. We have four medication times: Breakfast at 8:15 am, Lunch at 1:15 pm, Dinner at 5:30 pm and Bedtime at 8:30 pm. No deviations are permitted without prior approval. Packets should be labeled with "Breakfast", "Lunch", "Dinner", or "Bed" to signify what time they are given.

We also request you send one packet marked EXTRA with two extra doses of each medication.

Special Packing

Liquid medication, inhalers, or nasal sprays must also be listed on the medication pack that corresponds with the time that the medication should be administered. They should be sent to camp in a zip-lock bag with the camper's name marked on the bag and on each medication.

Additional Notes

No medications may be kept in the cabins except eye drops, ear drops, topical creams, and/or emergency medicines (requires Nurse approval). Any camper with a rescue inhaler or Epi-pen should bring a spare inhaler/injector to camp.

Medication packets should be completed and brought to camp with your child. Medications are brought to the Nurse's station during Check-In, so make sure to remove medication from your camper's luggage and bring it with you along the check-in process. At the end of your camper's session, all leftover medications will be returned and will be put in your camper’s front or side pocket of their suitcase or bag.

The Medication and Health form that you completed along with your camper’s profile in CampWise, should list all medications your child will be taking during his or her stay at camp, and should be signed by the camper’s physician. Our nurse can NOT dispense medications without a physician’s signature. If you have any questions or need assistance in this process please call our office at 573-458-2125.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a Nurse at Camp?
We have a Camp Nurse who lives on-site adjacent to the Health Lodge all 10-weeks of camp. Our camp nurse is responsible for overseeing the administration of medication as well providing first aid when needed. While prevention is the best policy, we are prepared to handle medical issues and injuries that may arise at camp. If we have a need that cannot be met at camp, we are only 15 minutes away from a local walk-in clinic, that is able to provide medical diagnosis and treatment. We are also just ten minutes away from our local hospital.

How do you handle over-the-counter medications at camp?
There is a section in the Medical History form in Campwise where the parent indicates which over-the-counter medications are okay and gives permission for the camp to administer them when necessary. If permission is given, the nurse will pass the medication as needed. The nurse will administer over the counter medicine according to the labeled instructions unless accompanied by a physician’s order. If any over the counter medication is to be administered on a regular/scheduled basis, a physician’s signature is required, and you will be responsible for packing those medications for their daily administration.

How do you handle prescription medication at camp?
There are four times when campers are given their prescription medication(s): all three meals and before bedtime. According to your camper’s needs and what is suggested by your physician, while at camp, your child should take medications at one or more of those designated times. Medications are kept in the health lodge under the watch of the Nurse. She brings only the proper medications to the dining hall to be passed out at meals, and the night medications are passed out in the health lodge. Parents are responsible for coming to camp with medications sorted according to the schedule they have outlined on the Medication Form (Campwise). We require a physician’s signature to pass any medication, vitamin, or supplement to your child on a scheduled basis.