Adventure at Camp
Life at an animal camp is always an adventure! But for those who want to step it up a bit, Cub Creek offers several specific adventure courses and classes that are aimed to please. These activities are some of camp's most popular activities with full classes! They are offered multiple times a day and multiple times a week. Our Adventure activities offer a variety from our mostly animal and science based activities, but science is applied in all of them! The Ropes Course is a popular area of camp. Every year, our Ropes Course Facilitators and a Lead Ropes Instructor are trained and certified. Additionally, our ropes course facility, harnesses, and equipment are checked for safety. So, our Ropes Course is both safe and FUN! Although the name would imply different, all the elements of our Ropes Course are only offered as classes.
Our adventure program has a few classes and courses only available to senior campers: Riflery, Survival Campout, and Leap of Faith. You will notice in those descriptions **Senior Campers Only**, meaning that campers who are 12 and up and registered as seniors may only participate in these activities for safety reasons.
Look below for a list of our adventure related courses and classes.

Archery is the art, practice, or skill of propelling arrows with the use of a bow. Campers taking this course will learn the difference between precision and accuracy as they aim to become a skilled shooter.
Archery 101 - Campers will learn the basics of archery, be able to identify what the parts of the bows and arrows are, and how to use the range safely.
Aiming Methods- Campers will practice their archery skills, discover their dominant eye, and learn proper aiming methods.
Skills Test- Campers will practice shooting skills using balloons while learning the importance of precision and accuracy.
Archery Games - Campers will practice their archery skills while playing some engaging games.
Archery Tournament- Campers will demonstrate the best of their skills they've learned this week.

Sling Shots **NEW COURSE**
Ready, aim, fire! Try different slingshots and hit exciting targets!
Slingshots 101 - Learn how to shoot with slingshots and master your aim.
DIY Slingshots - Make your own slingshot and test it out.
Water Balloon Launchers - Launch huge water balloons and get ready for a splash.
Target Practice - Sharpen your skills and hit targets like a pro.
Strategy and Trajectory - Use your skills in fun challenges and games.

Riflery is a long-standing camp tradition that teaches marksmanship and responsibility in a safe environment. Senior Campers shoot .22 caliber rifles at our covered range under strict supervision. Each class has two instructors, a limited number of participants, and enforced safety protocols. Due to the care required, riflery is available only as a course for Senior Campers.
Rifle Safety - The first day of the course is dedicated entirely to safety. Campers meet with instructors at the range to learn commands, proper handling, and the use of ear and eye protection.
Shooting - After safety training, campers practice marksmanship, focusing on accuracy and improving their scores. Like archery, riflery emphasizes skill development, patience, and a positive attitude.
Rifle Cleaning and Care - Campers learn proper handling, loading, and cleaning techniques. Each camper is assigned a rifle for the week, reinforcing responsibility and the importance of maintenance.

Camping **NEW COURSE**
Want to camp like a pro? Learn how to set up camp, cook over a fire, and have fun in the wild!.
Camping Gear - Check out cool camping gear like tents and hammocks!
Campfire Cooking - Cook delicious meals over a campfire and enjoy the taste of the outdoors!
Portable Power - Discover how to use solar power for light and heat while camping!
Campsite Games - Play awesome games around the campfire and have fun with your friends!
Cleanup and Storage - Learn how to leave no trace and pack up your gear like a pro.

Survival Skills
In this week-long course, campers learn essential survival skills, including finding water, building a fire, and making a shelter. The experience ends with a voluntary survival campout, where campers put their skills to the test! Open to Juniors and Seniors, but the **Survival Campout is for Seniors Only**.
Fire Starting - Campers learn to start a fire using only natural materials. This class teaches patience, technique, and the knowledge needed for a sustainable fire.
Shelter Building - Using sticks, leaves, and tarps, campers are challenged to build a strong and sturdy shelter.
Camo Concealment - Campers practice woodland camouflage to blend into their surroundings, then they'll spend some time learning some essential outdoor knife skills.
Orienteering - Navigating the woods without GPS is an important skill! Campers use a map and compass to find hidden objects around camp.
Wild Edibles - Campers will learn to differentiate between edible and non-edible plants. Additionally, they will learn about supplies and techniques necessary to make water safe to drink.

Ropes Course
The six elements of our Ropes Course are sure to get your heart pumping!
Zip Line - This wild ride takes campers all the way to the Back Pastures and right over Malachi the Camel!
Rappel Wall - Campers will learn to safely descend from the top of the taller Ropes Course tower to the ground on their own!
Giant Swing - A group of campers will work along with the Facilitator to help hoist each camper into the air using a pulley system! Once the camper being lifted has reached the desired height, they let go of their end of the pulley system, and go for a swing!
Crate Stacking - Starting from the ground up, campers are challenged to stack crates beneath them... as they balance on their own tower!
Climbing Wall - With both beginner and advanced options, campers who can make it to the top of the wall, can ring the bell, letting the whole camp know!
Leap of Faith - This element is the most daring on the Ropes Course! Campers will be placed in a full body harness, balancing their way as they walk out a horizontal pole, 30ft high. If they are able to make it to the end, they can take their leap of faith at hitting a ball hanging 6 feet past the end of the pole. Campers who take the Leap of Faith and hit the ball, get a special surprise! Because this element requires campers being able to safely fit into a body harness, it is only offered to **Senior Campers**.

Additional Adventure Classes
These activities are other Adventure classes that campers enjoy at Cub Creek. New adventure activities are also offered every summer, based on the interests and skills or our summer staff.
Caving - Spencer Cave is a huge cave located on our extended camp property. It is about a 1/2 mile hike from base camp, but well worth the trip! This cave is lots of fun to explore and involves as much or as little mud as you like. Because of its vast size and side chambers, we offer two levels of cave exploration: basic and extreme caving. Both are two hour classes that allow campers to see and enjoy the cave formations as well as a variety of cave inhabitants, including bats and salamanders. For the basic caving class, campers can walk through the cave with very little need to bend and not need to crawl, unless campers choose to explore the Banana Room, at the very end that requires a short crawl. Extreme caving explores a side tunnel and involves crawling through 3-4 foot tunnels that lead to a massive echo chamber room. Did you know that wintergreen lifesavers spark when you bite them, and that you can create sparks from static electricity when you rub a balloon across your hair? We try several short experiments while we have the advantage of complete darkness.
Did you think that was it? We have plenty of other classes and courses offered in science, adventure, arts & crafts, nature and even more! Click the button to your right to explore more.