Animals are our Specialty,

You call us a Zoo Camp or an Animal Camp!

We prefer to call ourselves an Animal Camp as so many of our campers come to camp for their love of animals! Our campers return year after year because of camp and the friends they make, but they love to see our animals and even come back to see specific ones! We have over one hundred different kinds of animals at camp and offer MANY animal related activities. More, in fact, than any other residential summer camp, anywhere. This is why we feel it is right to call ourselves the Ultimate Animal Camp!

There aren't a lot of animal summer camps out there to compare us to, and none with as an extensive program as we have. As far as we know, we are the only residential summer camp that can make this claim. Despite having a zoo, we prefer the title "Animal Camp" over "Zoo Camp". Unlike your typical zoo or zoo camp, our campers are able to do so much more than just see animals. We offer hands-on animal encounters, with opportunities to get up close, feed, touch and hold more animals than anyplace else. Campers can feed lemurs, talk with a parrot, walk with an alpaca, hold a 7 foot snake, prickly hedgehog or even a baby wallaby! Whatever you call us, animals are definitely our specialty. At Cub Creek Science Camp our animals become a bridge for teaching and growing many skills in our campers, including compassion, responsibility, self esteem and problem solving. Our goal is that the knowledge, understanding and compassion learned for the animals at camp, will eventually lead our campers to become adults with a desire to take care of each other, the planet, and all its inhabitants.



Look below for a list of our animal related courses and classes.

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Junior Veterinarian

More commonly called, Junior Vet, this week long activity was designed especially for kids who think they might want to become a Veterinarian. Through hands-on activities and with the assistance of a passionate instructor, campers learn real Veterinary skills! Campers who have taken Jr. Vet are able to take our Advanced Jr. Vet program.

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Basic Animal Examinations - Campers learn the signs for an animals' ideal health. To introduce what being a vet is like, they are going to start off with learning how to do a basic exam - a technique every vet needs to master as they will do one on every animal they work with.

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Learning Suturing Techniques - All vets need to be able to stitch up an animal. This may be due to an invasive surgery or to stitch up a large wound. Knowing how to make precise, neat stitches is important to reduce the change of infection. Campers will start practicing on a surture board and then upgrade to real needles and suture sting on a banana.

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Watch a Live Surgery - Our Veterinarian comes to camp one day each week and performs animal examinations and surgeries right here at camp! Typical surgeries are spays and neuters performed on dogs and cats from our local animal shelter. However, campers have been able to watch some pretty amazing things over the years! Alpacas, zebus, ducks, and more have visited our surgery room for a procedure allowing campers to observe and ask questions.

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Giving Injections - Using dyed water and injecting it into oranges, campers learn and practice how to draw and administer medications in this class. Campers will learn how, where and why injections are given to animals under a Veterinarian's care.

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Skeletal Anatomy - Campers will learn how to identify the different bones in the body across a variety of species. Using diagrams, posters and a live animal, camoers will tested on their skeletal knowledge befoer looking at X-rays to see bones in a new light.

Animals At Camp - Camper dissecting mouse in Jr. Vet Course - Cub Creek Science and Animal Camp
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Junior Vet Technician

Vet Technicians assist vets in everyday tasks along with doing their own unique jobs. Technicians have more hands-on work with clients though less scientific knowledge. Campers will participate in discussions and activities based on external anatomy, genetics, capturing and restraining animals, grooming and working with wildlife.

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External Anatomy and Genetics - This class gives campers an introduction to being a Vet Tech and how that differs from being a Veterinarian. They will learn about common medical problems with a range of animal species and understand how genetics affects what an animal looks like.

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Capture and Restraint - Campers will learn safe methods to catch and restrain animals for exams and injections. They will observe and demonstrate a range of techniques - even test their blow darting skills!

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Watch a Live Surgery - Our Veterinarian comes to camp one day each week and performs animal examinations and surgeries right here at camp! Typical surgeries are spays and neuters performed on dogs and cats from our local animal shelter. However, campers have been able to watch some pretty amazing things over the years! Alpacas, zebus, ducks, and more have visited our surgery room for a procedure allowing campers to observe and ask questions.

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Wildlife Rehab - Pets are not the only animals that appear at a vet clinic. Worried citizens may also bring wildlife that they believe are orphaned or injured. Campers will learn about the basics of taking care of wildlife in clinics and in rehabilitation settings.

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Grooming - Vet techs are often asked to shave fur, trim nails and beaks as well as other grooming tasks so need to be skilled in how to groom different species of animals. In this class, campers will learn the basics of grooming common species.


As camp’s most popular activity, Adopt an Animal is what camp is all about! For a week, campers take a dive into responsible pet ownership while learning about the animals they are taking care of. Each of camp's animals is adoptable, as these campers are actually helping our Animal Team take care of camp’s 300 animals for a whole week!

Introductions - Many campers come to camp knowing which animal they would like to adopt and some are deciding when they get here! The first day is spent getting to know all the animals in a camper's chosen area. Campers also learn the basics of how we take care of the animals at camp and how to handle/interact with their animal.

Feeding and Cleaning - Each animal has a special diet at camp. Campers are learning what their animal eats at camp to help match what they would be eating in the wild. Campers are also now assuming the responsibility of maintaining the cleanliness of their animal's enclosure.

Health and Care - Campers learn about some of the preventative measures we take with our animals to make sure they stay healthy. This can include simple procedures like teeth cleaning for a dog/ nail trimming for a bird to larger surgeries like spays or neuters. We talk to campers about different animals' needs and the costs associated with maintaining their health.

Animal Enrichment - Animals in captivity need ways to prevent boredom and encourage play. Campers visit our Enrichment Room and make toys and treats for their adopted animals. We love to see campers engaging with their animal and making complex enrichment for them.

Ecology and Conservation - The focus today is ecology and conservation - how the animals interact in the wild and the impacts humans have on wild populations. Campers will also get a chance to say their final goodbyes to their adopted animal.

Animals At Camp - Camper hanging out with Provost squirrel - Cub Creek Science and Animal Camp
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Amazing Animals

Get up close and personal with every animal at the Ranch! This course takes you through all the animal areas of camp to gives you encounters while learning! Understand what makes birds different than mammals and reptiles; Compare and contrast the different species of foxes, porcupines, and parrots; And learn why large ears, feet, and tails would matter for some animals out in the wild.

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Introduction and Fish - Campers will learn what the 5 types of chordata are - fish, mammals, reptiles, birds and amphibians. They will visit the nature center to identify each type as well as learn about the special features of fish.

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Mammals - At camp, we have more mammals than any other kind of animal! There are so many cool and interesting things that can be learned about all the mammals we have at camp! From hoofstock to canines, campers will be learning and interacting with camp's largest and smallest creatures!

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Birds - Birds are one of the Earth's most fascinating creatures! At camp, we have 20 different species of birds! Campers will learn why a parrot's foot is different than a chicken's and why a bird's beak is the ultimate tool for survival!

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Amphibians and Invertebrates - Frogs and toads are fascinating! Our Creepy Crawly room is where campers will spend most their time learning about amphibians, spiders, scorpion, millipedes, and more. But there is even more to see outside. Campers will look for dragonflies and walking sticks. They're easy to find..if you know where to look!

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Reptiles - Reptiles are very popular at Cub Creek. During this class, campers will learn about the cold blooded animals and take them outside for sunbathing! Out Black Throated Monitor even likes to be taken for walks!

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Animal Careers

Many animal lovers are excited to make their passion their career. Animal careers are much more than being a Veterinarian; during the week campers will learn about a variety of ways to take their unique talents and interests and use them to work with and for animals. Seniors Only

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Animal Trainer - From service animals to film performers, animal trainers work with individual animals to encourage performance of specific behaviors. Campers will learn about training and conditioning and practice the steps of shaping a new behavior.

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Wildlife Biologist - Wildlife Biologist study animals in their natural environment and use this data to protet species, understand ecosystems and help solve human-animal conflicts. Campers will use the camp environment to set a range of animal traps, observe and track animals and identify common plants.

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Animal Photography - Using camouflage and stealth, campers will take up their position in one of our animal enclosures to take on the role of wildlife photographer. Campers will learn about the elements of a great photo and practice using the animals at camp.

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Pet Groomer - Grooming is not just a beauty treatment for our pets! Animal groomers help keep animal skin, fur and nails healthy. Campers will wash and brush a camp animal and also learn about other grooming tasks such as nail trims and dust baths.

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Animal Forensics - Oh no, an animal got into the garden and dug up all the vegetables! Using forensic science and crime scence investigation, campers will identify the culprit using techniques such as impression measurement, fur and feather analysis and crime scene recreation.

Animals At Camp - Animal Safari - Camper walking alpaca - Cub Creek Science and Animal Camp
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Animal Safari

Animal Safari teaches campers about the native Missouri animals and how to identify them when seen in the wild. During the week, they will learn about the most common reptiles, amphibians, mammals, birds and invertebrates seen at camp. The week ends with a hike along a nature trail to show off their newfound knowledge.

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Each day this week campers will learn about a different group of animals - Herptiles, Mammals, Birds and Invertebrates - and the native species found commonly at camp and in Missouri. After learning about each species and tracking techniques they will take a hike along one of camps hiking trails to see which ones they can find.

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Hike and Release - One the last day, campers will test their knowledge of what they have learned this week. The campers will take a hike through any of the wilderness trails at camp and identify as many of the animals they can. Class will end in the Creepy Crawly Room, where they will release the insects they caught yesterday,

Animals At Camp - Creepy Crawly - Camper holding tarantula - Cub Creek Science and Animal Camp
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Additional Animal Classes

At Cub Creek, we want to offer as many animal activities as possible for campers. This way, campers who come to our camp for the animals can have even more opportunity to spend time learning with them. Or if a camper prefers other courses, they can spend a few of their class periods with animals. Below you will find even more Animal Classes offered at camp.

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Animal Encounters - Campers visit Lemur Island, the Nursery, Llama Land and our Sloths for special encounters.

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Creepy Crawly Critters / Entomology - Our Creepy Crawly Critter Room is home to a variety of snakes, insects, spiders, frogs, and more! This class gives campers the opportunity to get up close and even hold animals that they may have never paid much attention to in the past. Do you have apprehension holding creepy crawly critters? This class is also a chance to face your fears and earn a bravery bead!

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Reptile Sunbathing - Basking in the sunlight is an important natural behavior for reptiles. Relax outside with a snake or lizard so they get the needed sun to keep them healthy.

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Walk a Llama or Horse - Go for a hike around camp, but with a fun twist - an animal is going to join them! Each camper will have a chance to practice leading an animal on the halter.

Did you think that was it? We have plenty of other classes and courses offered in Science, Adventure, Arts & Crafts, Nature and even more! Click the button to your right to explore more.