Leadership at Camp
Summer camp has an amazing ability to transform kids into their best selves by allowing them to be free of normal day-to-day problems and incorporate fun into every activity. We teach our staff how to create these amazing environments and we want to teach our campers these skills as well! Whether it is for prepping them to be counselors themselves, or just to teach them how to be young professionals as they grow up and enter the real world, we want our campers to feel prepared to face the world - and still have fun while doing it. **Both activities are Senior Only**
Look below for a list of our nature related courses and classes.

Leaders in Training: LIT
Spend the week learning about how to contribute to the magic of camp by developing a fun activity for campers to enjoy, leading the activity, discussing how it went, and workshopping how to make it better for next time. This is a great course for campers who wish to be ASITs or counselors in the future. **Seniors Only**
Team Building Activities - To start the week, the campers learn how to work together effectively to create a strong foundation to collaborate later in the week.
Event Planning- Campers learn how to make activities practical yet exciting to join. They will brainstorm a camp-wide event and a separate service project proposal that assists some form of camp.
Activity Leading LITs will use a course period to market and prepare their camp-wide activity and then lead it themselves. The activity may be a class, free time activity, evening activity, early bird, or night owl.
Evaluations and Feedback - By the end of the week, the LITs will receive constructive feedback on their performance in the course and how to improve going forward. We feel it is highly important that they learn how to not only receive feedback, but observe role models on how to give feedback as well.
Service Project Proposal - A valuable skill we believe all campers should learn is how to help others altruistically. In the LIT Course, this will occur through a service project proposal for a way to improve an aspect of the camp. Supplies and project ideas depending; campers may even be able to complete by the end of the week

ASIT for a Day
Every Friday, during activity periods 3 and 4, ASIT for a Day is run for senior campers who are looking to be ASITs. Any senior can take the class, they do not have to be eligible to be an ASIT the next year. The class is similar to a shortened version of the LIT Course but has a more animal focus for the second half. *Seniors Only*
What is an ASIT- All of our campers know who the ASITs are, but not all of them truly understand how big of a part they play in the running of camp. This class starts off with the areas ASITs help in camp and what qualities we look for in an ASIT.
Teambuilding - One of the biggest skills an ASIT needs is to be able to work in a team with others they may not know. We put campers to the test by doing various team-building activities to practice their communication and problem-solving skills.
Husbandry Projects - Much of 4th period is dedicated to them doing husbandry projects in our animal area, just like our ASITs do.
Debrief and Feedback - The end of the activity will be focused on discussing how the afternoon went, how they think they did, what they can work on going forward, and what surprised them the most about an ASITs role at camp.
Did you think that was it? We have plenty of other classes and courses offered in science, adventure, arts & crafts, nature and even more! Click the button to your right to explore more.