Free Time
Free Time takes place at twelve noon each day, one hour before lunch. During this hour, campers choose with a buddy, where to go and what to do. They can visit the animal area, go swimming, play carpet ball or gaga ball at the game pavilion, read a book in the hammocks, send an email home or go shopping in the camp store.

Time to relax?
For campers who prefer some true down time, free time offers the hammocks as a location to just chill out, relax and read a book or even take a nap. Having a little time to relax and decompress in the shady hammocks or the air conditioned health lodge can provide a much needed break.
Time for friends?
All of camp is about friends. But free time is designed as an unstructured time to let friends spend time together with no formal programming. Campers can spend time with one specific friend or a group of friends, the choice is theirs.

Time to shop?
Campers can visit the camp store with friends during free time to shop for a variety of items. From fun crafts and cozy plushies to tasty snacks, cool apparel, and essential personal care items, there’s something for everyone. Free time is the only chance to visit during the day, but don’t worry—the store is also open during check-in and check-out.
More Time with Animals?
Campers can explore our fully open animal area during free time, giving them the chance to interact with a variety of animals. Whether they want to spend extra time with their adopted animal, meet new furry friends, or bond with our permanently adoptable cats and dogs, this is the perfect opportunity to enjoy some quality animal time!

Time in the pool?
Campers can cool off and have fun with friends in the pool during free time. The pool is open daily during this period, making it the primary opportunity for swimming. Occasionally, campers may also enjoy a swim during sneakouts or stayover weekends.

It’s all about choices and collaboration. Working with a buddy, taking turns and deciding together what to do, builds valuable life skills. Having so many choices that everyone likes, helps smooth the way to a successful collaboration between friends.