Rex Rabbit
Oryctolagus cuniculus
The term rex rabbit informally refers to one of at least nine breeds of domestic rabbit. The Rex breed is recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association. The Rex rabbit breed recognized by the ARBA is a medium-sized rabbit with a commercial, round body, and an ideal weight between 7.5 - 10.5 pounds. The Rex has a slightly broader head than other breeds of rabbit, proportionate upright ears, and proportionally smaller feet. Rex rabbit fur is described as plush fur and having a velvety texture.
The breed first originated in France in 1919. It is thought the origin was a litter of wild gray rabbits, that had been bred and developed over the years by fanciers of the fur industry. The Rex rabbit was first imported to the United States in 1924. Many genes contribute to the Standard Rex breed. It is categorized by external features such as weight, coloration, coat texture and length. Rex Rabbits are kept as household pets, show rabbits, and used for fur and meat production.

Rex Rabbits first originated in France. They’ve since been bred across Europe and North America.

HABITAT -Non domesticated rabbits inhabit low grasslands and forested areas.

DIET -In the wild, they’ll graze on grass. Domesticated will eat, fresh fruits, vegetables, timothy hay, and dry food.

FUN FACT -They can jump as high as three feet in the air!

SOCIAL BEHAVIOR -Rabbits are generally social animals living in small groups and being companions to humans.

ACTIVITY -They tend to be more active during the day and sleep at night.

PREDATORS -Predators include humans, wild/domestic dogs and cats, and birds of prey.

SIZE -They are generally between 7.5 - 10.5 pounds.

RELATIVES -They are thought to be originated from Wild Grey Rabbits of France.

CONSERVATION -Being domesticated, they are not currently endangered. They are not evaluated on IUCN red list.
Cub Creek Animal Care Information
Housing - Our rex rabbits live in specialized enclosures in the small animal room. They have plenty of room to hop around and explore. As these rabbits grow, it’s important to keep in mind their enclosure should accommodate its size. Their enclosure is bedded with shavings to make cleanup a breeze, and they always have access to clean water. Their enclosure also has logs, hides, and toys!
Diet - We feed our rabbits a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, and dry food to ensure they get all the nutrition they need. They’ll eat sweet potato, lettuce, rabbit pellets, and range cubes. This diet provides well balanced nutrition of protein, vitamins, and minerals. Of course they enjoy special treats like timothy hay, dried fruits, and other green vegetables.
Enrichment - We make sure to give plenty of time and attention to our rabbits, so they are very sociable with campers. During the summertime, campers will make them special toys from cardboard and other materials. They also get special treats made for them out of fruits and vegetables, the campers love making them, and our rabbits enjoy the attention.