Kenyan Sand Boa

Gongylophis colubrinus

Kenyan Sand Boas are small snakes that can be found in East Africa in semi-arid savannahs and rock outcroppings. They are known for their ability to burrow themselves under the sand to hide. They will spend most of their life there, or in other hidings spots beneath stones or in burrows. Their colors are designed for them to hide in a desert with their underbellies being a cream color and their backs being orange-brown with dark brown splotches. In order to breathe and see while under the sand, their nostrils and eyes are located on top of their heads.

Females are larger than males, being 2-3 ft in length, while males only reach to just over a foot long. Generally, they weigh 2 lbs or less and can live up to 15 years. In the wild, their colors are pretty standard, but in the pet trade many morphs have been bred. Colors now include albino, snow (white with brown), yellow, black, and many shades in between. Like other boas, the Sand Boa appears to give live birth (true pythons lay eggs). What is actually happening is that boas will form eggs inside their bodies, but the babies hatch while still in the female and then leave, giving it the appearance of a live birth.

Kenyan Sand Boas are endemic to Northern Africa, indigenous to Kenya, ranging to Somalia.

Habitat Icon Cub Creek Science Camp

HABITAT -Native to the deserts of East Africa, not just limited to Kenya.

Diet Icon Cub Creek Science Camp

DIET -They will eat pests like mice, rats, and even insects, along with lizards or baby birds.

Fun Fact Icon Cub Creek Science Camp

FUN FACT -Their tail has sharp scales that can be used for defense.

Social Behavior Icon Cub Creek Science Camp

SOCIAL BEHAVIOR -They are solitary animals and very friendly with humans.

Activity Icon Cub Creek Science Camp

ACTIVITY -They are crepuscular to avoid the desert heat, only coming out at dawn and dusk.

Predator Icon Cub Creek Science Camp

PREDATORS -Desert monitor lizards have been known to prey on them.

Size Icon Cub Creek Science Camp

SIZE -Females can be 2-3 ft while males are only about a foot long.

RelativesIcon Cub Creek Science Camp

RELATIVES -They are related to other boas, such as the Ball Python or Colombian red tail.

Conservation Icon Cub Creek Science Camp

CONSERVATION -They are not evaluated under the IUCN.

Cub Creek Animal Care Information

Housing - Our dsand boa is housed differently than the rest of our snakes. He lives in his own 10-gallon tank filled with sand for him to hide in and explore. A heat lamp is kept on the sand during the day to simulate his natural desert environment. He does not need much else to stay happy and is given access to fresh water every day.

Diet - Once a week, our snakes are fed frozen mice that are tailored to the snake’s size. Snakes have very slow metabolisms, so they do not need to be fed often to receive all of their necessary nutrients. Aladdin gets fed a pinky, which is a baby mouse.

Enrichment - Reptiles do not need a lot of enrichment beyond their various hides. Our campers give them plenty of stimulation by handling them and even occasionally bringing them outside on warmer days in the summer.