Camp Safety is Our #1 Priority
When considering Cub Creek Science Camp as an option for your child, we know that one of the first things on your mind is safety. This page goes into the many ways Cub Creek is dedicated to providing a safe and memorable experience for your child. Ensuring camper safety is best achieved by preventing potential problems. Identification, preparation and practice are the best tools that we have at camp to prevent problems. While we know this is an area in which we excel, it is incredibly important to us that parents know and trust that their children are in a safe and loving environment. If at the end of this page you still have questions, please give us a call! We welcome your questions.

Our Staff
We hire close to 100 summer staff each year. Every staff member is first required to fill out a staff application with past work experience and references. Next, we conduct a pre-interview with all applicants to make sure they are aware and willing of their summer responsibilities. We next conduct interviews with all summer camp staff, contact their references, and discuss each applicant with the Director team. Prior to working with us at camp, each hired staff member is required to finish paperwork and online training videos. Two weeks of staff training are a requirement in order to work with us at Cub Creek. They learn about safety precautions for all aspects of camp: the pool, the ropes course, animal activities, and our camp policies regarding visitors and camper confidentiality. Most importantly, all camp staff are run through a thorough background check before even arriving at camp.
During our two week training, Lifeguards and the Ropes Course team are trained and put through a rigorous certification test. All of our staff are trained on being extra sets of responsible eyes at the pool which we call "Lookouts". We also train all staff in general, preventative care like making sure campers stay hydrated and eating healthy foods.
Safety Around Camp
Cub Creek is dedicated to providing the best experience for our campers. Everything we do takes into consideration, the health and safety of our campers, staff and animals. To start, our campers use the buddy system around camp. For the most part, this is a way for all campers to have a friend and encourages bonding, but it also allows a camper to always have a person there to help if needed. This also prevents a staff member from being one-on-one with a camper, as a staff member is required to travel with at least two campers and is never to be isolated/out of sight with just one child. We take attendance at the beginning of every activity period and counselors are required to account for all their campers before moving to a new activity/location. We also allow no visitors onto the camp property during a session of camp without the permission and acknowledgement of camp's Director. There are so many precautions that we take at camp, and the above isn't all of them! To read more, please read our Parent Handbook!
To help reassure parents that we are living up to our promises, we take lots of pictures and post them everyday. This also helps you monitor your child and be engaged in their camp experience. Camp is just a phone call away. If you are ever concerned about your child, while he or she is at camp, just give us a call! We would much rather do a quick check-in with your child and report back to you with details about their experience than having you spend time worrying.
Our full time Nurse and Health Lodge
In the event that a need arises, we also have a well equipped and staffed Health Lodge. Our health lodge provides quiet, air conditioned bedrooms for campers to rest. If needed, we have medications and supplies necessary to treat or respond to potential illness or injuries that kids may experience at camp.
We have a camp nurse who lives on site adjacent to the Health Lodge. Our camp nurse is responsible for overseeing the administration of medication as well providing first aid when needed. While prevention is the best policy, we are prepared to handle medical issues and injuries that may arise at camp. If we have a need that cannot be met at camp, we are only 15 minutes away from a local walk-in clinic, that is able to provide medical diagnosis and treatment. We are also just ten minutes away from our local hospital.