Summer Mission Trip

Come join the Mission Team at Cub Creek Science Camp!

Be a part of a Mission Trip that is located right here in the United States, in a mission field that is in such great need of workers. One that pays you for your help, and trains you in Chrisian Apologetics.

While Cub Creek Science Camp is not a “Christian Camp”, the owners of camp are Chrisitan, and run camp according to Biblical principles. Camp’s role is not to change a person’s beliefs, (only the Holy Spirit can do that). We help our campers grow in knowledge, based on facts rather than secular opinions. Cub Creek welcomes to campers and staff from all backgrounds and worldviews.

Cub Creek Mission Team

The Cub Creek Science Camp Mission Team (CMT) is a discipleship program that invites camp staff into a deeper relationship with God, through participation in a 5 or 10 week mission experience. While the team members serve as cabin counselors at Cub Creek Science Camp, they will grow in their understanding of the impact of their witness in the lives of those around them. Team members will be taught how to express love to all campers, regardless of their worldview. They will learn how to be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks for a reason for the hope that they have, and how to do this with gentleness and respect. 1 Peter 3:15.

Purpose: To provide a community of support for believing staff at Cub Creek Science Camp and to equip those staff with tools and resources that will better prepare them to serve as a witness of Christ's love to others.

Mission: Provide connections and resources for Christian Staff before, during and after camp, including emails, virtual meeting, text message that will help them live out and defend their faith

Vision: To provide a team of Christian witnesses at camp who are filled with the Holy Spirit and love for one another.

The Cub Creek Science Camp mission team is a group of Christ followers who choose to be part of a team that meets regularly for discipleship and to better prepare themselves to serve as role models for others, (to witness to others through their example).
Mission Team members agree to show love for others by:
~ not gossiping or allowing put downs
~ listening to understand and not just to respond
~ showing an interest in the unique interests and talents of each person
~ steering their peers in a better direction through their example
~ steering campers in a better direction by their guidance

Mission Team members further agree that they will
Pray daily for the program, campers, staff and their own witness
Read scripture daily
Attend a weekly mission team meeting
Show gratitude throughout the day for all God has provided

To apply to be a part of our Mission Team, fill out our regular summer staff application and discuss your desire during your interview.

Join Our Team - Cub Creek Science Camp