ASIT Program - Campers color war - Cub Creek Science and Animal Camp


The ASIT program was created to give high-potential teenagers the opportunity to see, learn, and apply leadership skill in the fun and safe environment of summer camp. Our ASITs are role models and are looked up to by our campers. Because these teens are expected to lead by example, take on responsibility, and exercise independence, the ASIT Program is invitation *ONLY* and highly selective.It takes hard work and practice to develop leadership skills. At Cub Creek, we believe the best way to grow leadership skills is through practice!

This page is FULL of information for both upcoming and current ASITs! If you are looking to apply or become a Cub Creek ASIT, this page has TONS of information for you. From what the program is ,how to be invited, and answers to the questions we get asked the most. If you are a current camp ASIT, this page is helpful for you to remind you of camp dates and shuttle times. The FAQ section also helps you help other upcoming ASITs know how to successfully be invited to the program.

Who are the ASITs and What Do they Do?

At Cub Creek, our primary teen-leadership program is called the ASIT Program. Our ASITs are campers who have responsibilities around camp including assisting in the animal area during each morning's animal rounds and working alongside counselors for a cabin, assisting in camp’s activities, and occasionally helping during Evening Activity. They are role models at camp and are expected to be upholding camp rules; be kind to others and respect others' views/opinions/space ; and of course they are enthusiastic about camp! ASITs have a deep love for camp and often want to use this position to help enrich campers' experiences at Cub Creek.

What Does an ASIT Gain from Camp?

When an ASIT leaves Cub Creek Science Camp at the end of the summer, our ultimate goal is that they are a more confident, skilled, and compassionate individual. We work very hard to intentionally work skill building into the ASIT Program. ASITs are given the opportunities to practice public speaking and boost the self-esteem of campers in many ways during a camp session. They also have dedicated counselors and leadership who plan enriching activities for them to discuss communication and team-work. ASITs also exercise their independence and ability to problem solve when working on solo-tasks and with their adopted cabins.We believe that day-to-day, camp is creating incredible individuals who naturally become more confident after being able to get 16 kids to sing a silly camp song with them; more skilled after learning how to halter and walk a llama; and more compassionate after helping a camper overcome homesickness.

Former ASITs over the years have gone on to do amazing things. They have used their gained skills to apply for Veterinarian School, Animal Internships, and prestigious Universities all over the country! The ASIT Program yields resume/CV building and opportunities to discuss skills developed that are definitely unique and differs to others.

ASIT Program - ASIT showing snake to campers on check in day - Cub Creek Science and Animal Camp

ASITs in the Animal Area

One of the favorite aspects of this program for many ASITs is the time spent with camp's animals. Over the course of a session, our ASITs can gain experience with an incredible variety of animals. ASITs assist our Animal Team each morning with taking care of camp's 300 animals. They learn basic care and feeding skills within this time we call "Morning Rounds". ASITs receive special hands-on training at the start of their session and throughout their stay; This one-on-one training is not offered to our other campers. During activity periods, ASIT assist campers in learning about and interacting with our animals. And because ASITs are trained in the safety of our animals, they are trusted to spend one-on-one time with our animals in their free periods!

ASIT Privileges

In giving ASITs more responsibility, we also believe that they deserve some added privileges!

The ASIT Lounge. ASITs are given a lounge as a meeting space and an area to relax on their breaks. This space was given to our ASITs in 2013 and has been a wonderful addition to the Program! The lounge is supervised by the ASIT Leaders and is a place for ASITs to work on projects, relax, and spend time together. The lounge also offers a space for the ASITs to keep their snacks and electronics.

Cell phones. A huge part of being at camp is being "tech free". We believe that in order to be able to experience camp to its fullest, you must be willing to not hide behind a screen and step outside of your comfort zone. Campers do not have their phones to help them get into all that camp has to offer without the distractions of technology. We want the same experience for ASIT. However, because they hold so many responsibilities around camp, we want them to be able to contact their ASIT Leaders, the Animal Team and Camp Management if they needed.

ASIT Training

To help them prepare ASITs for their role, we have developed a special ASIT Orientation that begins one day earlier than our general camper sessions. During this orientation, ASIT will bond as a group, get to know their fellow ASITs and ASIT Leaders, get a sneak peak of all the changes that have happened at camp in the last year, and practice/discuss skills needed to put them comfortably into a leadership role from the moment campers arrive the next afternoon.

We also try to get in as much training as possible! In the months leading up to summer, we will start some pre-camp training. To start, ASITs will be sent an ASIT manual. This guide is full of useful information that they should carefully read before their session start date. The ASIT Manual outlines expectations and also gives helpful tips to being successful as an ASIT at camp! Each year pre-camp training varies, but it often includes discussion on videos related to leadership, thoughtful emails about working with different personalities, and aims to get our ASITs in the right mindset for this role at camp.

So, You Want to Be an ASIT?

We are often asked by campers and parents how they/their camper can become an ASIT. This section is here to help! Here, you will find the criteria we use to select ASITs, find out who is able to join the program, and how campers are invited to become an ASIT.

What Do We Look for In ASITs?

As mentioned before, ASITs have a lot responsibility at camp. As you read this page, you will see that they work with us in the animal area, assist with camp classes, and spend time with our camper cabins. They are role-models who are important to the everyday camp operation! It is for this reason that ASITs should be first and foremost be responsible leaders who are able to uphold and follow camp's rules and also lead by example in positive attitudes and positive interactions with our campers, staff, and their fellow ASITs.

Every ASIT grows while in the program to develop skills in communication, team-work, collaboration, and more! But in order to be invited to the program and stay a part of the program, we should see that each ASIT is upholding the expectations of camp. That is why, prior to being an ASIT, we look for campers who: follow camp rules without having to be asked or repeatedly reminded; who are inclusive and kind to the campers in their cabin and around camp; who offer to volunteer to help even when not asked to; and who showed interest in our skill-building camp activities like ASIT for a Day and the LIT Program.

Who is Eligible?

The ASIT Program is for highschoolers who are current/past Cub Creek campers. All ASITs should be in highschool, having finished at least 9th grade, while in the program (no exceptions!). We also require that all ASITs have attended Cub Creek in the past for at least one year. Because there are so many responsibilities around camp, we want to make sure that our ASITs understand the camp schedule, camp rules, and how to navigate around camp comfortably! Anyone who fits that basic criteria is eligible for the program.

The Invitation Process

Each year, our camp staff contribute highly to letting us know who we should invite to camp as an ASIT in the coming summer. Cabin counselors, the ASIT Leaders and the LIT Instructors all submit their "Recommendations" for campers in their cabin,campers who take ASIT for a Day and the LIT course. That information is gathered by our Program Directors who then compile an invitation list. We also allow campers to speak on their own behalf by submitting a "Letter of Interest". This letter serves as a "self-recommendation" giving them a space to comment on their own readiness.

The Basics

There are 3 basic criteria that our Program Director uses to compile the invitation list:

1. Recommendations from their Cabin Staff. Each eligible camper will have recommendation information from their camp counselors. They let us know if during their time at camp they exhibited potential for the program.

2. Recommendations from LIT and/or ASIT for a Day. If a camper took LIT or ASIT for a Day, they will have a recommendation information from that instructor letting us know their potential.

3. A Letter of Interest written to camp. We HIGHLY encourage campers who are interested in the program to write a letter of interest and send it via mail or email to camp. (Read more about the letter and what it should look like below)

Each staff recommendation is based off the following 8 categories: Judgement, Dependability, Communication, Teamwork, Leadership, Language, and Camp Rules. With guided information to go with each category, cabin counselors work together to comprehensively assess a camper's 'ASIT readiness' in these areas. LIT and ASIT for a Day use the same 8 categories to formulate their own independent recommendations for eligible campers. A camper's letter of interest helps to boost their standing in the invitation process. Campers who take the time to write a well-thought-out letter about their own potential while also having great recommendations stand a better chance of being invited to the Program!

How to "Apply"

There is no formal application for the program. All the eligible campers from the last year of camp are placed into a spreadsheet with all their recommendation information. This is why we HIGHLY suggest that every camper who is interested in the Program send in a letter of interest! The letter of interest not only shows that that camper is serious about the opportunity, but it also gives campers the chance to lay out what they have done in the past to be considered highly for the program. The letter also gives campers who may not have attended camp in the year before their eligibility the chance to re-enter in the running.

The Letter of Interest

Let's talk about this "Letter of Interest". We would like to stress the importance of this letter to campers who are hoping to be seen as a candidate for this program. You have surely noted that we put "HIGHLY suggest" several times about writing the letter, but just as important as submitting the letter is the letter's content. This letter has no formal "criteria" but to help potential ASITs express their candidacy for being invited we say that a letter should contain:

- Why are you a good fit for the ASIT Program?
- What have you done at camp or outside of camp to prepare you for this role?
- What are you hoping to gain from the Program?
- What are you hoping to give to camp?

Letters should be well-thought-out, attention to grammar and spelling should be considered, and they should be written professionally. While we love creativity at camp, letters should be either neatly written or typed, formatted appropriately, and should be mailed to camp's address or emailed. Please refrain from writing letters on construction paper, postcards, etc. A well written, professional, mature, and comprehensive letter goes a LONG way!


There is a lot of information here! So for quick answers, check out this FAQ section!

Who are the ASITs?

The ASITs are our teen-leadership campers. They were individually invited to the Program by camp's Director team based on their leadership skills and potential. They help assist in the animal area for morning rounds, assist during camp activities, and have an "adopted" cabin that they help in every day. You can read more about ASITs at the very top of this page in the "Who are the ASITs" section.

When will I know if I/my camper have been invited to the Program?

Invitations begin to go out in the Fall after camp. Depending on the number of applicants/eligible campers, it can fluctuate. Typical communications will begin in mid to late September and continue through October. Campers being invited will get an invitation by email sent to the parents. We will also follow up if we have not heard back from an invited camper to make sure they have recieved our invitation.

How do I know if I/my camper is ready to be an ASIT?

We notice and appreciate the growth in campers over their time here to know that as they grow here they show new skills and abilities. We believe that the most important sign for "if someone is ready to be an ASIT" is less about the "hard skills" they have and more about them be WILLING and ABLE to step out of their comfort zone to help make another camper's experience at camp better. ASITs should be RESPONSIBLE, DEPENDABLE, and TRUSTWORTHY. Not only do ASITs have to complete the tasks given to them in their assisting duties, but they are should be trusted to do the right thing on their daily breaks. We can help train ASITs in communication skills, working with animals, and assisting in classes and cabins. But we cannot "train" trust, dependability, or responsibility. We think that in determining whether or not you/your camper is ready consider this: When everyone else is doing something the wrong way or breaking the rules, and you/they know there is a right way or the proper rules, are you/they the one who will do what is right or do what everyone else is doing?

Who are the ASIT counselors?

We call the counselors for our ASITs the "ASIT Leaders". Like our counselors, they live with the ASITs in their cabin and are responsible for the ASITs daily schedules, program needs, and are their go-to counselors for advice or help. Like all our camp staff, they must complete an in-depth application and interview. A clean background check, accurate employment history, and good references are also mandatory.

What if my camper didn't come to camp this summer, can they still be invited?

Campers are invited to the program starting the year they enter highschool. If you/your camper did not attend camp the summer before you were eligible and therefore did not get the most recent recommendations from our camp staff, you can still write a Letter of Interest and send it in to camp! Again, we suggest that anyone- a camper last summer or not write a letter to show their interest and increase the chances of being invited. If you have never attended Cub Creek, you are not eligible to be invited to Cub Creek's ASIT Program until you have completed at least one summer as a camper.

How old does an ASIT have to be?

Campers must be in highschool to be a participant in the ASIT Program. At the time of their ASIT session, each participant should have completed at least the 9th grade. In the Fall, when we are inviting first time ASITs into the program for the next year's summer, the "eligible" campers are the ones who have entered at least 9th grade.

How many ASITs are there?

There is one ASIT cabin for males and one for females each with 16 bunks. The ASIT Program is maxed at 32 total campers per ASIT session.

What if I/my camper doesn't want to be an ASIT?

That is OKAY! We think that there is value in also wanting to be a camper for a long as they want/can! Sometimes, our campers want to wait until they feel ready or they don't necessarily feel like the ASIT program resonates with them. We welcome campers all the way until 17 so we still want them here with us at camp!

What is the difference between the ASIT Program and Cub Creek's general camper program?

ASITs don't partake in the activities offered for our general camper program. Instead they assist with those activities. ASITs are most commonly found in the animal area, but they also assist at Ropes Course, arts activities and any other activity that requires extra help. ASITs have additional responsibilities added to their daily schedule including Morning Rounds every morning at 7 am, time with their adopted cabin, group meetings during lunch, and weekly training . ASIT sessions also require a non-refundable deposit of $250 per week as opposed to the non-refundable $100 deposit required for the camper program. We ask for this commitment because inviting ASITs is an in-depth process and once all the invites have been sent out for the year, we do not invite more campers. ASITs also have special privileges at camp like having a once a week outing away from camp, their own lounge, breaks, and their cell phones.

How do you keep the invitation process fair?

We are focused on our three criteria for this exact reason:fairness. By being able to get recommendations from different members of the camp staff, we are able to assess different angles of a camper’s ‘ASIT readiness’ and gather multiple points of view. Remember that each recommendation is based off 8 categories : Judgement, Dependability, Communication Skills, Teamwork, Leadership, Language, Camp Rules, and Participation. By focusing on these areas we are able to get to the root of a camper’s strengths and readiness for the program and helps to eliminate any perceived bias. In the end, we do make the final decision. We always try to keep engaged during the summer to help boost our own knowledge of our campers and their readiness for the Program. With all this collective input, we believe that our Invitation process is incredibly detailed and thought-out making it fair.

Do ASITs have to pay for camp?

The ASIT Program is still a part of Cub Creek's camper program and ASITs pay the same tuition rate as campers. The ASITs are in a position of leadership, but they still have counselors and a Program that is dedicated to their growth and learning. ASITs walk away from camp with MANY service hours that are able to be used towards school or future endeavors. We allow them chances to grow skills in working with animals and children in a supervised and guided environment of camp. ASITs camp experience is special to us! Their ASIT Leaders are dedicated to making special events for them and making sure camp is focused on their happiness, too. You can find the rates for the ASIT program in the "ASIT Program Dates & Rates" table below.

How are ASITs invited to the program?

Our summer camp staff gives our Directors a "Recommendation" for all of our eligible campers (going into at least the 9th grade in the Fall). Based on those recommendations and each camper's participation in ASIT for a Day, LIT, and a written letter of Interest our Directors will compile a list of invites for the coming summer's ASIT Program. Because there are only 16 spots in each week for male and female ASITs, and because many ASITs return to the program, the list of invites is highly selective. Campers who have stellar recommendations from our camp staff, have taken LIT and ASIT for a Day AND received outstanding recommendations from those instructors, wrote a Letter of Interest and who in their time/years at camp an ability to follow and uphold camp rules, can be trusted with more freedom and independence, and who have shown great potential for the program are invited first. The end of the invitation process is signaled with an email to all our eligible aged families letting them know invitations are done for the year.

What steps can I/my camper take to be prepared to be an ASIT?

At the end of the ASIT Invitations and all ASITs have been selected, we will be sending you a link to our "ASIT Training page". Here you will find essays written and your ASIT Manual. These are the first things you can read to get prepared! As the winter and spring progresses, we will make additions to that page and start gearing up for camp.

What if we get an invite and we are already signed up for the Cub Creek camper program?

That is alright! We are able to transfer your registration into the ASIT Program. Since the deposits for the ASIT Program is $250 per-week, you will have to pay the remaining amount left to hold your ASIT's spot. But that is not a problem at all.

Why are there rounds for Invitations?

Over the years, we noticed that this is truly the most fair way to invite campers into the Program. Both in terms of the recommendations that each eligible camper receives and in the registration process. We believe the campers who went above and beyond should receive recognition for that. It goes a long way to be kind and helpful, welcoming to others, to use appropriate language at all times, and to follow camp rules (*etc). By inviting campers in rounds, we also relieve the pressure and stress in the registration process. There are limited spots, so by making smaller rounds we are able to easily manage registration and be forthcoming about available spots.

What is the deposit for ASITs?

Deposits for ASITs are different than our general camper program at $250 per week. We require a higher deposit because the ASIt program is selective and we want to ensure more commitment to the position. When we invite ASITs, we do so based on the number of positions available- we don't want to invite a significantly higher number of campers than there are spaces. Therefore, when a space is left vacant in the ASIT Program, it is harder for us to fill and it can't be filled by just "anyone".

ASIT Program Dates & Rates

Find our session dates and rates below! * The ASIT Program is invitation ONLY *

You will find colored dots to signify availability for boys and girls in each ASIT session. When a red dot appears, you should call prior to registering. Red indicates that this session for boy/girl is very close to closing and spots may have been filled. Black indicates that session for a boy/girl is filled and currently only taking waitlist registrations. Please call for any questions you may have!

*A non refundable deposit of $250 per week is required with each registration. We cannot guarantee your space without this deposit.

To see how each ASIT session corresponds with a Cub Creek camper session, look at the table below.

ASIT Drop Off is the Saturday evening of their session, from 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Green - Open Availability

Yellow - Limited Availability

Orange - Nearly Full

Black - Waitlist Only

Dates, Rates, and Availability

ASIT dates and rates
Session Dates Tuition Boys Girls
Duration: 2 Weeks
May 31st 2025 - June 14th 2025 $2700
Duration: 2 Weeks
June 14th 2025 - June 28th 2025 $2700
Duration: 1 Week
June 28th 2025 - July 5th 2025 $1350
Duration: 2 Weeks
July 5th 2025 - July 19th 2025 $2700
Duration: 2 Weeks
July 19th 2025 - August 2nd 2025 $2700
Duration: 1 Week
August 2nd 2025 - August 9th 2025 $675

*Price is subject to change.
For help coordinating your ASITs registration with a camper, please note:

ASIT 1= Camper Week 1 & Week 2
ASIT 2= Camper Week 3 & Week 4
ASIT 3A= Camper Week 5
ASIT 4= Camper Week 6 & Week 7
ASIT 5= Camper Week 8 & Week 9
ASIT 6A= Camper Week 10

ASIT Airport Shuttle Times and Fees

Please see the chart below to plan arrival/departure of an ASIT. Times in YELLOW are our preferred times. No flights can arrive prior to 9am or depart prior to 10am. Remember that ASITs arrive and depart from camp on Saturdays.

INCOMING - Arriving to Camp - Saturday

ASIT 10:00 A.M. - 11:00 A.M. 11:01 A.M. - 11:59 A.M. 12:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M. 3:01 P.M. - 4:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M.
Main Terminal $235 $135 $85 $135 $235
*SouthWest Airlines (Remote Terminal) $235 $185 $135 $185 $235

*Anything outside of the above times is $315.00*

OUTGOING - Leaving Camp - Saturday

All Campers 1:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M. 4:01 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. 5:01 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Main Terminal $100 $150 $250
*SouthWest Airlines (Remote Terminal) $165 $215 $250

*Anything outside of the above times is $315.00*